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Friday 4 May 2018

Stuffed Felt Doll- Tips and Tricks (template included)

Hello everyone!
Pic 1: The doll I made 
First and foremost, let me start of by telling you all that the video I have made on the DIY Stuffed Felt Doll is my own work but full disclosure that I did get the idea from another video on youtube! I followed some ideas from that video and added some of my own when I was making the doll. However, all the work I did on the doll was completely my own. I made my own templates from scratch and got started.
Pic 2: Screenshot of the video from which I got the idea (not linking here)
Check out my video on YouTube to see the method on making the felt doll. I have decided to upload the video in two parts. The first part includes the making of the main doll as such and the hair and shoes. The second part will focus more on the dresses and accessories. I will be sharing the templates only for the first video since I did not use any proper template for the dresses. I only drew some outlines but it is difficult to share these. You will have to measure your way around the doll to make the dresses.
Pic 3: The dresses which will be demonstrated in part 2 of the video
In this post I will be sharing some thoughts with you on why I did some of the steps in a certain way so you can choose to follow my example or modify what I have done.

Tips and Tricks
The size of the templates- Even though I tried pretty hard to get the right sized templates, the final one came out to be a bit smaller than the doll I wanted. This was due to the size restrictions of the A4 size paper. Also keep a note that you need to understand that once you cut the felt as per the template size you also need to account for the little bit of the edges where you would stitch.
Now you might find some templates on Pinterest which may be the right size when printed (I didn’t have much luck finding something that suited me). However, if you choose to download my templates and use them then it would help to leave a bit of a margin while drawing it out on felt as I have done in the video. You can do this with the body template and the face template (match the face template to see if you want it any bigger).

I would also like to mention that what you see in the video is the result of a third trial (the body). In the first trial I used a thinner, floppier felt which when inverted had too many loose strands and didn’t look very neat. In the second trial I used a single stitch to seal the edges. However, when I had filled in the stuffing it started splitting at the seams due to this and I didn’t want to go on and make a substandard toy since it was meant to be a gift. You will notice in the video that one or two parts would be from an earlier trial (The part where I am drawing the template on felt and where I am drawing the shoes- I had made much bigger shoes in the earlier trial than the final one)
Pic 4: Three versions to get it right

Due to the reason mentioned about my second trial, I ended up using double stitches to seal the edges of the body and the face. I initially did a running stitch to join them and then I sealed the edges again as you can see from the video. This was much stronger when I inverted the parts and filled with the stuffing.

The stuffing that I used was easily available in the local shop that I usually buy my craft supplies. I also used felt from the similar shop. I didn’t use the thicker felt that I normally use for my finger puppets. As this would be very difficult to invert as it is not very pliable. There are so many types of felt that are available in the market these days. You will need to use your judgement to decide on which kind to use. The glue I am using in the video is the fevicol all fix glue. Now its not the strongest type but since I am stitching all the parts again it is good enough.
 Pic 5: Since I get some comments about details of the glue I use

I have used little bits of pipe cleaner for the shoes. It was a last-minute idea I got as my shoe size was quite smaller in the third trial such that when I inverted it the front of the shoe totally vanished into the seams. If you make the front a little bigger in size as per the template then you need not worry about this step. If however, you do like this idea then please note that when you cut the pipe cleaner, the edges may be a little pointy. To avoid any problems adding a little glue to the edges would make it smoother so that it doesn’t hurt your child when playing with it. If you do so then the child will also have the additional fun of feeling the soft texture of the pipe cleaner.

So these are some of the pointers that I could think of which I thought would help those who would want to try out the doll. I am sure you can also try the same doll with cloth (like any old T-Shirts) instead of using felt.

Click the link to download the templates. I have included templates for the body, face, hair mainly.

To learn the process in detail, check out the link for the youtube video.

Do follow me on my other social media handles.

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