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Saturday 6 August 2016

3D Paper Quilling: Minion in green frock and pigtails

Hello everyone! This time I made my favourite minion with 3D paper quilling.

So, I am not going to write much about the method of making the minion in this post. I have described the procedure for a regular minion in my earlier post on my new found love for paper quilling. The basic procedure for this is the same. Also, since I have painstakingly made a detailed video for my youtube channel, I wont get into the procedure here.

This post is mainly for those who would wish to recreate the minion. To give them an idea about the specifications of the strips I used. 

So as you can see in the picture below. For the body, I need the following parts.

1. Tight orange coil: 5mm strips, 7 in number coiled tightly with the quilling tool
2. Tight green coil: 5 mm strips, 7 in number coiled tightly with the quilling tool
3. Yellow hollow coils- 3 in number- 5 mm strips, 2 attached in each and coiled with the ring coil tool
4. Black hollow coil- 1 in number- 5 mm strips, 2 attached and coiled with ring coil tool
5. Green hollow coils- 2 in number- 5 mm strips, 2 attached and coiled with ring coil tool

Please refer the video to see how I assembled the body of the minion.

For the eye, I used the 5 mm strips but I cut it in half for the width, i.e., I used roughly 2.5 mm strips. The cut in half was made roughly, not specifically measured. I attached the following strips to form a long one before making a tight coil
1.  Black: 3.5 cm
2. Brown: 7 cm
3. White: 19 cm
4. Grey: 6 cm

For the frock, I used one 5 mm green strip.

For the pigtails, I used 1 orange paper strip which I cut lengthwise to form 2 cones, 2 pigtails. Similarly for the hands I used 1 yellow paper strip cut lengthwise to make 2 hands. The black part of the hands I used 5 mm black strips of 7 cm each and made a tight coil.

For the feet, I used 2 brown strips (5 mm) of 19 cm each and made tight coils and flattened them as much as possible.

The sleeve of the green dress I used one 5mm green strip of 1.8 cm length. But to make two sleeve I divided this strip lengthwise into half to make two thinner strips

I used some small cut outs of black and yellow for the finishing, black for the smile and yellow for the fringe. The yellow was more to indicate the area without the fringe.

If you are yet to see my video please click on the link I do hope you like my creation. Please like, share, comment and subscribe to my channel if you do!